
Faculty interested in learning more about Canvas can take advantage of the below support options. Please feel free to reach out to if you have any questions.

1) CTL interactive workshops:  Calendar of Workshops & Registration   

2) LIVE Webinars, every weekday, 8 am- 6 pm.   Click to learn how to register  

3) Self-paced online tutorials: Explore these resources to learn on your own and at your own pace. 

4) Books: Some have found these books helpful: Canvas for Dummies and Canvas Course Design (advanced skills)

5) Step-by-Step Guide below

Step-by-Step Guide: adding required features to your course

 Short Videos showing overview of the Course Set-up Process

Watch one or more of the below videos that provide an overview of the Canvas course set up process 

     Log into Canvas (click on dropdown for more information)

Open Canvas by going to quick links at of click on this  link to Canvas 

Log in with your Kean email credentials


If you have issues logging in, please fill out a ticket with OCIS

     Adjust Your Settings & Profile

We encourage everyone to update your setting and profile picture.

Watch this 2 min VIDEO on User Settings

You will learn how to update your Canvas personal user settings such as your profile picture, name preferences, language, time zone, accepted usernames, web services, and feature settings. 

Written Directions:


To add or modify your profile picture:

     Find Your Course Shell

Now you are ready to make your course. 

Each semester OCIS, in collaboration with the Registrar, creates course shells for faculty. These shells are linked to registration information and simple syllabus. You will find your course shell in your dashboard, in the area of "unpublished courses"

To find your course shell:


 Add Assignments to automatically create a digital grade book

Next you will add your major assignments to the assignments tab. This usually takes less than 20 minutes and then automatically creates a digital grade book. 

You might want to start by watching this short Step-by-Step VIDEO on the basics Gradebook in Assignments  (2:33)

Written directions for basics of SETTING UP YOUR GRADEBOOOK

Instructors using Canvas to collect work from students and/or give within Canvas, will find all/some of their digital grade book automatically populates. Others will need to purposely set up their digital grade book using the below directions. 

Instructors interested in step-by-step instructions for setting up a gradebook can enroll in the CTL GRADEBOOK workshop (registration link). 


10 Step Infographic that supports faculty as they develop their gradebook


Slideshow  DOC Key Terms   

Review your grade book

In the global navigation menu, click on grades. This will open your gradebook. The first column lists all the students in your class. You will input grades in the subsquent columns. 



Because you added in due dates to your assignments, Canvas automatically creates a calendar of due dates for your students.  

The calendar is helpful in assisting your student in planning their academic work schedule. Please regularly review the calendar with your class and model effective use. 

INFORMATION FOR YOU, the instructor


Here are some directions about Calendar use for students that you can share with your class. 

  DURING the semester Input grades into Gradebook 

All instructors are expected to communicate student grades in Canvas using the gradebook. 

During the semester: after grading student work, manually input students’ grades into the Canvas grade book. 

Publishing Grade book

Using speedgrader

Videos on automatic and manual grade posting options

Follow the below steps to input the students' grades 



Other Resources 

Adding Additional Features to Your Canvas Course

   Simple Syllabus

Simple Syllabus is a tool that allows you to quickly edit and publish your course syllabus within Canvas. It automatically imports information such as university/departmental policies, course schedule info, and content from previous syllabi to minimize your workload at the start of the semester. 

Simple Syllabus can be accessed from the Canvas Dashboard by clicking on the "Simple Syllabus" link on the left side menu (example here).

Sections that are not locked, contain a pencil icon. To make changes, simply click the pencil. This will present you with a basic editor to enter information. Select "save" once done.

Please review these documents for guidance on how to access and submit a syllabus.

Discussion Boards

Discussions allows for interactive communication between two or more people; users can participate in a conversation with an entire class or group.

VIDEO TUTORIAL on discussion boards 

     Video Conferencing

Instructors can easily set up and configure Zoom class sessions inside of a Canvas course by using the Zoom integration. 

Directions for setting up & managing video conferences are provided in in this  DOC


The Canvas Attendance tool allows instructors to take daily attendance by either name or seating chart.

Enable the Attendance tool in the course navigation. This automatically creates a column in the grade book worth 100 points. Open the Attendance tool, use the calendar icon to scroll to the date to track attendance. Click the status icon for each student to mark their attendance (present, late, absent, no status)

The Attendance (Roll Call) navigation link must be added to the Course Navigation Menu. The Attendance navigation link does not display to students.

How do I make attendance not count as grade in canvas?

     Integrate Publisher-created Content (including quizzes)

If you are using a publisher website for materials/assessments, you may be able to connect your Canvas course to the publisher course site and/or integrate publisher-provided tools so that students can connect to the publisher resources from Canvas, without a separate login. 

Publisher integration: 

About Many Publishers 

McGraw Hill   VIDEO

Frequently Asked Questions

🖥️ Working the Grade book: Hide Total Column,  Hide/Post Grades, Weight Grades

     🖥️ Can I copy my gradebook a previous class?

Yes, to put content into your course, faculty can:

          (1) copy content from a previous course shell (or sandbox) to the new course shell 

          (2) ask OCIS to copy it for you via this form

          (3) create content from scratch, right in the new shell

This Guide provides information about how to copy content from a previous course shell (or sandbox) to a new shell, including step-by-step directions.


     🖥️ How can I learn more about Canvas?


     🖥️ It's after hours, where can I find help with Canvas?

Faculty (and students) have 24/7 access to a Canvas helpline (855) 781-8511 and Canvas help via chat.

     🖥️ What Canvas resources are available for my students?

     🖥️ Is Simple Syllabus included in my Canvas Course?

    🖥️  What is theUniversity-wide Canvas Template?

Instructors using Canvas to teach their courses are encouraged to use the Kean Canvas Template - a course shell that is pre-formatted with items such as links to key university resources, modules, quizzes, etc. The template saves time by providing pre-built items that instructors can customize and creates continuity for students by providing a common structure, thus making it easier for them to navigate the course. 

When a template is imported into an already developed course, the preformatted material layers into your course shell and does not replace any content. Any unwanted template content can be easily deleted. For step-by-step instructions on how to download and personalize a template in ways that employ best practices, instructors can register for the TEMPLATE workshop. (registration link).

    🖥️  I am an ADJUNCT & have not gotten my contract, can I develop my course shells now?

 Yes. Even if you have not been officially assigned a course, you can still prepare your class now. As long as you have a Kean email you should have a sandbox in your Canvas account. Simply, build your course in your sandbox. 

If you do not already have a sandbox in Canvas or you need additional sandbox for a second class, fill this form and in the details section write a specific note. For example, you might write something like: "I am an adjunct requesting a Canvas sandbox. I have not been assigned a course yet, but I want to build my course now so my course shell will be ready if/when I get assigned a course." 

    🖥️  Can colleges and/or departments request special workshops?

 Yes. Special trainings can be arranged. Please contact Dr. Rosen to arrange session at


 One-hour sessions focused on ONE topic, allowing for in-depth exploration

 ** Directions for registering for a LIVE WEBINAR 

Beginner LIVE Webinars  Click on drop down arrow for more information [Directions]

First Look (Login procedure, global navigation, account setup, personal preferences, Inbox and Calendar).   DOC

  DEC   1 | 10:00 AM;  4-2023 | 08:30 AM;   13-2023 | 02:30 PM

Leveraging Modules  DOC  Agenda

  NOV   28 | 10:00 AM;   29-2023 | 08:30 AM

  DEC       4 | 11:30 AM;   7-2023 | 11:30 AM

DIRECTIONS for registering for a LIVE WEBINAR 

Intermediate LIVE Webinars - Click on drop down arrow for more information.  [Directions]

Assignments Assignments Resource Doc | Create Assignments 

NOV  27 | 08:30 AM;  29 | 05:30 PM;   4 | 01:00 PM

DEC  13 | 10:00 AM;  15 | 11:30 AM; 20-2023 | 11:30 AM

Gradebook and SpeedGrader  drop lowest grades | order gradebook columns | give extra creditIcons and colors in the Gradebook 

NOV   27 | 10:00 AM;   1-2023 | 11:30 AM;   

DEC   04-2023 | 04:00 PM;  14-2023 | 10:00 AM; 14-2023 | 05:30 PM

CLASSIC Quiz Basics 

   NOV    28 | 05:30 PM

   DEC 5 | 08:30 AM;  8 | 11:30 AM;   15 | 02:30 PM;  19-2023 | 08:30 AM

Managing CLASSIC Quizzes 

  NOV 29 | 11:30 AM

  DEC  18 | 08:30 AM;  19 | 10:00 AM

Creating Assessments with NEW Quizzes  New Quizzes Toolkit | (Video 4:27) (Long Video 47 minResource Doc  QTI file  | Add content to quizzes

 DEC   5 | 10:00 AM;   12 | 4:00 PM;  15-2023 | 1:00 PM

Managing Assessments with NEW Quizzes


Course Communication Tools

 NOV 11-27-2023 | 04:00 PM

  DEC 4 | 05:30 PM;  12 | 02:30 PM;  14 | 04:00 PM;   20 | 08:30 AM

Course Design Considerations

  NOV  29 | 01:00 PM

  DEC     6 | 05:30 PM;  14 | 11:30 AM;  20-2023 | 05:30 PM

Course Settings and Sharing


Exploring the Canvas Commons


The Student Experience


Accessibility  Alt Text | accessibility checker | Link Validator | App Check | Immersive Reader | Giving Extended Time 


Pages and Rich Content Editor (video)


More LIVE WEBINARS  Click on drop down arrow for more information   [Directions]

Outcomes and Rubrics for Instructors  rubistar

  DEC  1- | 1:00 PM;   5- | 11:30 AM;   7- | 10:00 AM;   15- | 03:00 PM

Course Data and Analytics

  NOV  30- | 1:00 PM

  DEC 5- | 2:30 PM;   12- | 5:30 PM;   14- | 2:30 PM;   19- | 2:30 PM

Canvas for Math & Science

   NOV 30-2023 | 10:00 AM

   DEC. 6 - | 8:30 AM;   12- | 10:00 AM

Getting Started with Canvas Badges


Integrating Canvas and Google 

  NOV 30- | 05:30 PM

  DEC     6- | 1:00 PM;   7- | 5:30 PM;   15- | 8:30 AM;   19- | 4:00 PM

Integrating Canvas and Office 365

  DEC. 1- | 08:30 AM;  6- | 2:30 PM;    7- | 4:00 PM;   15- | 10:00 AM;   18- | 11:30 AM

Mobile Apps: Teacher App


Home Pages

  DEC  4 | 10:00 AM;   7 | 2:30 PM;   14 | 1:00 PM;  18 | 4:00 PM

Canvas for Performance-Based Teaching  DOC

  NOV 30- | 11:30 AM

  DEC    6- | 10:00 AM;   12- | 11:30 AM

Canvas for Special Education

  NOV  28- | 04:00 PM

  DEC     6- | 11:30 AM;   12- | 1:00 PM

Elementary Dashboard for Teachers

  NOV  28-2023 | 08:30 AM

  DEC  1- | 4:00 PM;   5- | 5:30 PM;  13- | 8:30 AM;  20- | 2:30 PM

Resources Click on drop down arrow for more information


Analytics Resource Page

Mobile Apps Resource Guide | Resource Guide for Students 

Template: Copy Template   DOC | How change dashboard course card

Modules Assignments Resource Doc | Create Assignments | Embed a video in a page

Quizzes: Classic Quizzes | New Quizzes | Quiz Type (Classic) | Creating with New Quizzes |Question Banks | Question Groups | New Quizzes Resource Page


Discussions: Discussions | Add a rubric to a graded discussion 

Rubrics  |

Project Based Learning: Resource Page | Group Set | Add requirements in a module
Performance Based Learning:  Resource Page 

Place-based learning: 

Outcomes and Rubrics: Resource Page |  

Gradebook Video overview | Instructor guide | How do I use Gradebook? | Late submission policy | Grade posting policies

Publisher Integration

About Many Publishers 

McGraw Hill offers one-on-one training. Use these links to make an appointment with either Liza or Jenni| McGraw Hill 


Programs that integrate with Canvas:

Other Technology

CURSOR CREATOR    Canvas Master    Custom Cursor Trails 

prep DOC for these classes

Computer Basics DOC

Choose ONE from below based on how you want to use Canvas

  Resources: Copy Template   DOC  10 Step

After completing the Green workshops, these are some course will help expand your knowledge

These workshops offer valuable skills that serve as significant complements to your instruction.

Getting Started with Canvas in 10 Step (visual)

Faculty are expected to list major assignments and post grades in an online grade book within the Canvas platform. 

If you are unfamiliar with the process, please enroll a CTL class listed in LibCal

Faculty are encouraged to use Canvas to organize content, collect student assignments and create a consistent student experience through the use of the Kean Course Template.