Canvas Transition FAQ
Greetings Kean Faculty and Staff,
Kean’s transition to the Canvas Learning Management System is underway. In the fall, we delivered 622 courses in Canvas and this spring we expanded Canvas offering to 841 classes. The feedback on our new LMS has been extremely positive.
In the fall of 2023, we will complete our transition to Canvas and we will no longer use Blackboard as our LMS. The below FAQs capture a wide range of support available to you now and throughout the summer. Here is a list of Canvas Classes .
If you have questions not answered below, please feel free to reach out to me via email.
Dina Rosen
Inaugural Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL)
Q: I’ve taught so many courses in Blackboard, what is going to happen to those course shells?
A: All courses have been archived by OCIS on an internal server. (Thank you, Vanessa Avila) Faculty can request copies of these courses by completing a OCIS ticket request through Helpdesk Portal. You can also archive your courses onto your computer. Directions can be found at CTL website
Q: I am ready to learn about Canvas, when and how can I get trained on using Canvas?
A: There are many options, offered everyday, M-F from 8:30 am - 5:30 pm
Live Webinars (via Canvas Inc). Find courses & register at LibCal. Log in via confirmation email or your Canvas account). Offered daily, 8:30 am - 5:30 pm
Live classes with Kean faculty (online and In person) listed at CTL website and sign up in LibCal
Asynchronous, self-paced On demand courses
Variety of Key Topics (via Canvas Inc). Directions for accessing on demand courses can be found on the CTL website
Videos: curated list of videos be found on the CTL website
Self-paced Course, created by Kean Online (Thank you, Carol Smith-Cuevas)
Q: I'm not ready to start learning about Canvas yet, will you have classes in May and June?
A: Yes! We are finalizing the schedule. It will be posted on the CTL website
Q: If I am currently teaching my courses using Blackboard, can I still start using Canvas now?
A: Yes! To access the Canvas environment click here and enter your University-issued email login credentials. Each faculty member has been provided a sandbox course shell that they can use to follow along with any Canvas training session.
Q: Can I start setting up my Canvas class now for the fall?
A: Absolutely! We recommend starting now. Canvas courses are private until you publish them.
Q: How do I get started developing my Canvas course for the fall classes?
A: You can start using any of the below approaches:
From a blank shell. Fill out an OCIS ticket request through Helpdesk Portal. Indicate your course information and that you need a blank Canvas course shell
From the Kean template. Find dates for upcoming Using the Kean Template course at the CTL website
Copy a previous course. Fill out OCIS Helpdesk Portal form to request a course copy of a previous semester, original shell can either be Blackboard or Canvas.
Q: Am I able to move my course materials from Blackboard to Canvas ON MY OWN?
A: Absolutely! Directions can be found at the CTL website