CTL Workshops

List of CTL Workshops 


Advising Session 1

Advising Session 2

Faculty will work on creating a multi-year advising planning google doc. 

Provost's office.

Career Development 

This workshop will provide an introduction to the first-year reappointment process and hands-on exploration of Interfolio software. Presenter: Marianne Gass (VPAA Office) Provost's office.

     Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Peer Observations for the ARTP Portfolio: Discussion and Q&A (Online)

Peer observations for the ARTP Portfolio: Discussion and Q & A

Dates offered: October 26, 2023


Active Teaching and Learning 

Attributes of active teaching include engaging students in integrating discussion, collaborative projects, metacognitive activities, reflection prompts, etc.; collect just-in-time feedback on student learning; relate course content to real-world, relevant examples; and facilitate integration by encouraging students to make connections. We will share a list of 289 active learning strategies and how you could integrate some of them into your teaching.

Dates offered: September 14, 2022 

Advance Course Design Studio (CDS) (Online)

This course offers five- three hour sessions for a total of 15 hours. The purpose of this intensive CDS is to provide faculty with the time, resources and support needed to design their courses in ways that will maximize student engagement and learning. Throughout the experience, faculty are provided a Google Sheet, where they use a Backward Design Model to write and align their Learning Outcomes (LO), Assessment, and Learning Opportunities. 

Dates offered: September 16, 2022

Advance Course Design Studio (CDS) Session #2 (Online) 

This course offers five- three hour sessions for a total of 15 hours. The purpose of this intensive CDS is to provide faculty with the time, resources, and support needed to design their courses in ways that will maximize student engagement and learning. 

Dates offered: September 30, October 14, October 28, November 4, November 18, 

AI creation tools and Higher Ed: Planning Group (In-Person/Online)

Dates offered: February 24, 2023

AI Use Statements (slideshow

Dates offered: March 28, April 13

Creating Inclusive, Accessible Instructional Material (Online)

This session will provide information on how to create teaching material, which can be available and accessed by all students. Ideas that will be shared and discussed, include readings that reflect the diversity of contributors; emphasize the range of identities and backgrounds; avoid unfamiliar references based on backgrounds; analyze the content of examples, analogies, and humor; use materials with a range of student physical abilities and financial resources; use a variety of methods; and provide verbal and written instructions.

Dates offered: December 9, 2022

Creating an Effective Syllabus (Online)

An inclusive classroom begins with an inclusive syllabus. Strategies and tools for building an effective and inclusive syllabus.

Dates offered: January 13, 2023

Document Effective Teaching (Online) 

In this session, we will provide definitions and models for collecting, analyzing, and making decisions for effective teaching, as well as a plan and service to assist. Subsequently, we will offer a class observation protocol, which includes a pre-Observation Meeting, Observation (using a Quantitative Checklist, Qualitative Field Narrative, and Faculty Flow Diagram), a Post-Observation Debrief using a measurement [rubric], and a template for faculty self-evaluation. This session will share a Higher Education Lesson template and a research-based Google Slide Lesson Template.

Dates offered: September 21, 2022

Effective Learning: Intentional planning (online)

Strategies and tips aligning learning outcomes, assessments, and activities. The session will also consider planning to address and reduce barriers to learning and student success.

Dates offered: February 16, 2023

Effective Presence and Vocal Skills for Faculty (In person)  

An effective teacher's voice doesn’t just happen naturally. It takes practice. Designed for new and experienced faculty, this interactive workshop will offer tools for vocal use and for verbal and non-verbal cues, helping you make subtle shifts in your delivery style that you can implement in your classroom.

  Presenter: Joshua Feliciano-Sanchez Moser

  Dates offered: March 22, 2023

First Day Strategies (Online)

Strategies and tools for planning for and successfully implementing a successful first day of class.

Dates offered: January 11, 2023

Hybrid Course Development Process (Online)

In this Workshop we will discuss how faculty can request to offer hybrid graduate and undergraduate courses.

Presenters: Dina Rosen and Joe Hogan 

Dates offered: February 22, 2023

Dates offered: April 3, 2023

Midterm Feedback (In-Person)

Dates offered: October 26, 2022

Safeguard Your Students’ Health & Minimize Your Institutional Liability (Online)

Hannah Ross, General Counsel and Chief of Staff at Middlebury College, will review the legal background - including several precedent setting cases, core risk management principles, behavioral contracts and voluntary/involuntary leaves, and best practices for supporting students who are at risk of self-harm or harm to others.  

Dates offered: January 30, 2023

Self-Regulated Learning, Self-Reflection and Metacognition (Online)

This session will share an overview of these educational models to help us create learning environments that support our diverse students. We know that self-regulated learners 1) tend to learn better under learner control; 2) are able to monitor, evaluate, or manage their learning effectively; 3) reduce the instructional time required to complete the lesson; and 4) manage their learning and time efficiently (Yang, 1993). Metacognition is one’s knowledge concerning one's own cognitive processes and products and anything related to them. (Flavell, 1987). We will share a Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ). 

Dates offered: November 30, 2022

Shop Talk: Practical Suggestions for Responding to Early Classroom Challenges (In-Person)

This session provides a supportive place to discuss instructional successes and the muddy spots in your teaching. Give and take practical ideas to implement in the classroom.

Dates offered: September 19, 2022

Simple Syllabus (Support Doc)

How to make the most of Simple Syllabus. Learn about the static and dynamic elements of this online syllabus tool. 

Socratic Method

The Socratic Method is a pedagogy which capitalizes on the power of talk to shape students’ thinking, secures their engagement and learning, and promotes deep understanding. Posing thought-provoking questions the instructor prompts dialogue that encourages students to think for themselves.

Dates offered: 4/14

Study Abroad Part I (In-Person)

A workshop with Dr. Lauretta A. Farrell, the Director of the Human Rights Institute

Dates offered: September 22, 2022

Students Response Systems (Online)

In this session, we demonstrate several SRSs, which could include a four-quadrant colored piece of paper or electronic alternatives such as Plickers, Poll Everywhere, Answer Garden, Kahoot, Padlet, Tricider, etc. Using SRS can provide a useful springboard for Facilitating Productive Discussions. We will describe productive discussion as opportunities for engaged teaching and learning by creating a safe place; providing ground rules; and appropriate divergent prompts as well as scaffolding argument skills.

Dates offered: November 2, 2022

Successful University Teaching: The First Four Weeks (Online)

Pedagogy, strategies and course design tools for making a good first impression and

sustaining it during the early weeks of the semester.

Dates offered: January 19, 2023

Teaching Jumbo Classes: Analytics, Early Reflections, Future Research (In person/ Online)

This session will present key learning theories and engage Jumbo course instructors in conversation about their experience. Topics for this session include: Develop pre, mid, post surveys. Analytics. Early Reflections. 

Dates offered: January 5, 2023

Dates offered: February 7, 2023

Teaching 75 Min Online Courses for KU China: Active Learning Strategies (Online)

This session is designed for faculty teaching 70 minute online courses for KU China. Strategies and tools will be discussed.

Date offered: January 17 

Travel Learn: What is it and do I want to offer one? (In-Person/Online)

Travelearns (TL) are short-term faculty/staff-led programs that combine on campus coursework with off-campus experiential learning. TLs can be winter/spring/summer courses. Are you interested in leading a Travel Learn course? See examples offered at Kean and other schools. Past participants of Travel Learn programs, including students and faculty, will share stories and answer questions. Sample applications will be shared.

Dates offered: November 3, 2022

Travel Learn: Workshop on developing & finalizing a TL Course

During this session we will support you in developing your own Travel Learn class. Planning trip logistics and strategies for reducing likelihood of trip related challenges will be discussed. Presenters will also provide personalized support on developing and finalizing individual applications for Travel Learn classes.

Dates offered: December 1, 2022

Teaching Models, Methods, and Strategies (Online)

In this session, we share Knowles' (1984) Andragogical approach to adult learning, which is based on a humanistic conception of self-directed and autonomous learners. His theory states assumptions, which include a learner's Need to know, Self-concept, Readiness, Orientation, and Motivation. We will share Teaching Models, including Information Processing, Inquiry-based, Competency-based and Experiential as well as methods on sequencing (deductive/inductive), Discussion Norms, and engagement. 

Dates offered: November 16, 2022

Teaching Science Collaboration with Hillside (off campus) (In-Person)

Special program will Hillside School District

Dates offered: Feburary 6, 2023

Using Technology to Enhance Teaching Effectiveness (Online)

In this session, we will model and share easy-to-use tech resources which include Word Clouds, Padlet, TedEd, Videoscribe, Stop Motion, Screencast, Green Screen, Blog, Podcast, Pecha Kucha, Plickers, Poll Everywhere, Answer Garden, Kahoot, Padlet, Tricider, and Google Drive.

Dates offered: September 28, 2022

Writing/ Updating Academic Portfolios (Online)

In this session, we will share prompts, formats, and examples of academic portfolios for your consideration. Formats for a Teaching Portfolio, which include a Teaching Philosophy Statement, academic credentials, course materials, goals, service, and evidence of effective teaching. 

Dates offered: November 9, 2022


An Introduction to Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (online)

In this Workshop we will discuss how faculty can consider and plan their learning experiences as academic scholarship. Following an introduction to SoTL, we will share typical formats for SoTL research, which include creating a research question, an experimental design, data instruments, and literature review. 

Dates offered: February 22, 2023


This year's Faculty Seminar, hosted by Dean Casale and Don Marks, will explore the themes of authenticity and care as they apply to our roles as researchers and teachers. In keeping with President Repollet's call to "reflect, reexamine, and reimagine" the research university, delivering it in a way that is unique to our mission and culture, the seminar seeks to engage faculty in a thoughtful consideration of what public higher education can be in today's academic and cultural landscape.

Dates offered: October 20, 2022

November 10, 2022

December 8, 2022

Maximizing your material: Writing on the Tenure Track

Finding the time to do research—let alone write—while we are teaching, grading, advising, and working on committees and other campus projects is a difficult challenge. This workshop aims to stir a conversation among participants to uncover best practices for laying out a research plan and then creating achievable publication goals and strategies for maximizing our raw material.

  Presenter: Dr. Bellitto 

  Dates offered: February 8, 2023

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

In this Workshop we will discuss how faculty can consider and plan their learning experiences as academic scholarship. Following an introduction to SoTL, we will share typical formats for SoTL research, which include creating a research question, an experimental design, data instruments, and literature review. Faculty will receive guidance as they brainstorm research questions that guide can their own investigations. 

Dates offered: October 19, 2022

KU Research Net: What are they and how can I particpate? (In-person/Online)

The session will introduce the KU research nets which are designed to bring together Kean faculty from multiple disciplines to work collaboratively to identify key problems and create innovative solutions they can implement and research. These non-prescriptive networks will enable members to ladder individual work and build collaborations that can successfully apply for large and small grants. KU Research Nets will be explained, Kean Connect presented, and participants will be able to sign-up for specific net topics.

Dates offered: September 15, 2022

September 29, 2022

Research Communties:

Writing Group

Join the Kean University Faculty Writing Net! Dr. Madji Fall, from the College of Education, created a writing space where members meet to work on individual writing. 

October-14,21,28.(2022) November- 4, 11, 18, 25.(2022) December-2, 9. (2022) Janurary- 27, (2023) February- 3, 17,10, 24. (2023)

      March- 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 (2023) April- 7,14,21,28.(2023) May- 5, (2023)

Collaborative Workshops with ORSP:

Center for Undergraduate Research & Fellowships (CURF) & Research Days (In-Person)

How to engage in undergraduate research and participate in Research Days. The CURF workshop will focus on funded faculty-mentored research opportunities, prestigious fellowships, and Research Days.

Dates offered in 2022: September 22, November 17

Engaging Students in Research and Research Days (In-Person)

Faculty perspective on how to effectively engage undergraduate students in research and participate in Research Days. Faculty will share their experience with different funded program, including FRI, SpF, etc. 

Dates offered: December 5, 2022

Human Subjects Research (In-Person)

A workshop by Kean IRB with the focus - What to consider before completing an IRB application.

Dates offered: October 6, 2022

ORSP Grant workshop (In-Person)

A session by Sherrie Calish, ORSP Grant Pre Award: This workshop will focus on how ORSP can support faculty/staff in developing a competitive grand application for external funding. ORSP service Model & External Funding. 

Dates offered: October 20, 2022

Released Time for Research & Creative Works (RTR): A conversation with Dr. Birdsell (In-Person)

During this interactive session, Dr. Birdsell and Marianne Gass will talk with faculty about applying for and implementing RTR projects. 

Dates offered: December 1, 2022

Seeking External Funding? Life Cycle of a Grant Proposal 

This workshop will focus on ​how ORSP can support faculty/staff develop a competitive grant application for external funding. ORSP service Model & External Funding.

Dates offered: March 30, 2023

Writing for an IRB review 

This workshop will focus on wrting an IRB application. This is a casual event. Feel free to bring your questions. We will consider: What the committee looks for. Common Feedback. Faculty who formerly served as IRB committeee members will join as share their experiences.

Dates offered: March 23, 2023

Collaborative Workshops with Student Affairs:

ChatGPT Use Policy Workshop 

According to Inside Higher Ed: GPT-4 Is Here. But Most Faculty Lack AI Policies. Join this session and make a policy. After a brief introduction to generative AI, we will review use statements from various U.S. colleges and statements written by Kean faculty. After this introduction, participants will be encouraged to draft their own policies. Support and feedback will be provided.

Dates offered: March 20, 29, 2023

Dates offered: April 13, 28, 2023 

Mental Health Training For Faculty & Staff (Online)

What faculty need to know about mental health issues on college campuses - how to identify them; recognize emotions, behaviors and actions that require a more immediate concern; and talk to students with an empathic approach, without crossing boundaries or making either party feel uncomfortable. 

Dates offered: January 11, 2023

Microaggressions Through Case Studies: Improve Your Workplace & Interactions with Colleagues and Students

Engage in an interactive case study online training experience that allow you to explore microaggressions, including implicit bias, and other exclusionary incidents.

Dates offered: January 17, 2023

Reasonable Accomodations In the Classroom (Online)

Understand the process for determining reasonable accommodations for your students in the classrooms in order to adequately meet valid requests. Truly engage in the interactive reasonable accommodation process and develop touchpoints throughout the semester. Cultivate a collaborative approach with academic partners on campus Use assessment tools wisely to measure success  Comprehend your Institutional rights and responsibilities – avoid lawsuits, reasonable accommodations confusion and non-compliance problems.

Dates offered: January 6, 2023

Working with the Media: When a Reporter Calls

This workshop focuses on making scholarship matter to as broad an audience as possible, but under the condition that the reporter/editor is the gatekeeper, not you—a particular challenge. 

Dates offered: March 29, 2023

Sessions in Collaboration with Kean Online:

Let’s Make Those Discussion Boards POP! (online)

This 1.5 hour workshop will discuss the elements of crafting motivating, invigorating, and engaging discussion board questions that POP!  Presenters: Kathleen Curran and Carol Smith-Cueva

Dates offered: February 10, 2023

Sessions in Collaboration with KUBIT:

Q&A with KUBIT (Kean University Behavioral Intervention Team) (In-Person)

Associate VP for Student Affairs and Chairperson of KUBIT Maximina Rivera, Associate VP for Academic Affairs Joy Moskovitz, and members of this multidisciplinary team will discuss the services KUBIT offers and key strategies for providing proactive intervention to students exhibiting disruptive and/or concerning behavior.  Members of the team represent vital areas of student support services: Student Affairs, the Counseling Center, Accessibility Services, Health Services, Community Standards and Student Conduct, Cougar Connections, Academic Affairs and Campus Police.

Dates offered: November 3, 2022

Teaching and Learning in a Canvas Environment

Canvas Basics (Online)

This basic course is for faculty that do not need to copy anything from Blackboard into Canvas. We will cover setting up your profile, navigating, the basics of setting up your course and creating an effective welcome page.

Presenter: Karen Villanueva & Kathy Curran 

Dates offered: Febuary 14, 2023, March 1,14,15 2023 

Canvas: Using the Kean Template to create your class 

Learn to modify the Kean Canvas template to create your class.

Presenter: Dina Rosen 

Dates offered: March 23, 2023

Dates offered: April 5, 13, 17,18, 27 2023

Canvas: Integrating Turnitin

How to access and effectively apply turnitin in Canvas courses

Presenter: Vanessa Avila

Dates offered: Jan 13,23 2023

Dates offered: Feb 13, 2023

Dates offered: March 20, 2023

Kean Template

Learn to copy the Kean template to your course shell and make necessary modifications to personalize the template. Topics covered include homepage, modules, assignments, announcements and more.  How to copy the KEAN TEMPLATE      Course DOC 

Dates offered: January 13,17, 23

Dates offered: February. 6, 10, 2023

Effective Teaching with Canvas

This course supports faculty in developing effective online instructional support. We will show you key tools that will make you more efficient and effective and how to validate course links and check accessibility. You will have time to work on your course with support from a colleague.

Dates offered: October 11, 2022 

Dates offered: November 14 & 29, 2022

Train the Trainer (Online)

Canvas analytics and video conferencing.

Dates offerred: January 27, 2023

Dates offered: January 31, 2023

Video Conferencing in Canvas  (in person and online).  SUPPORT DOC

Learn how to do live video conferencing, record the conference and upload it. 

Dates offered: Feb 3, 6, 9, 15,  2023

Dates offered: April 18, 

Canvas Basics

Presenter: Dates of sessions

Canvas Training (Live Webinars)

Dates in 2022: Sept 12,19,20,28; Oct 19, 26; Nov 7 &15; Dec 13; Jan 10; : 

Dates in 2023: Feb 14; March 14, 15, 21, 29; April 11, 26


         Training with Dina/Karen: March 14, 21, 23


        Kean Template (in person)   6, 8-9 am (d);          17 1-2 pm (d)       27 11:30-12:30 (d)

        Kean Template (remote)13, 7:30-8:30 pm (d);  18 1:30-2:30 (d);  27 12:30-1:30  (d)

       Canvas 1 (in person-- prereq: Template)6 8-9am

  Canvas 1 for Departments20 (For Computer Science Faculty)

  Video Conference Tools (remote)18 4- 5pm

 At Ocean Campus

   March 15; March 29; April 26

Directions for logging into a webinar after you have registred for the course.